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Sumve oil company

SUMVE OIL COMPANY LIMITED (SOiL) was established in Sumve, Kwimba District in Mwanza Region, Tanzania in 2022 and registered with Certificate of Incorporation no. 156332941.

The core activities of the company are primarily based on the retail and wholesale of oil liquids such as petroleum, diesel and kerosene, transportation and distribution of Oil & Gas products. We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.

SOiL is a company that focuses on sustainable energy use that aims to meet the world’s growing need for more and cleaner energy solutions in ways that are economically, environmentally sustainable whilst maintaining corporate social responsibility.

Our Company staff includes highly trained and experienced personnel, distributers and highly hospitable experts who provide oversight and support for each service. This teamwork spirit is the basis for our hands on and the proactive approach which enable us produce the most important result of every activity; our client’s satisfaction. Teamwork is key ingredient of every SOiL action.


Our vision is to provide our customers with quality services in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner without causing harm to the environment.


Soil mission is to power progress together with more and cleaner energy solutions. We believe that rising standards of living for a growing global population are likely to continue to drive demand for energy, including oil and gas, for years to come. At the same time, the need to tackle climate change means there is a global transition under way to a low-carbon energy system for a sustainable future.


With a diverse of experienced staffs that understand the specific needs of individual customers and bespoke solutions, SOiL is reliable in its commitment to a highly personalized approach in dealing with client needs.

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About us

standing on pure need & dope

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  • Empathy
  • Innovation
  • Collaboration
  • Transparency
  • Integrity


We have highly skilled, talented and innovative personnel that will always go the extra mile to fulfil your expectations. We are accustomed to the tradition of continuously developing their expertise and skills to make sure they operate at their best with current technologies.