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SUMVE Oil Company Limited

SUMVE OIL COMPANY LIMITED (SOiL) was established in Sumve, Kwimba District in Mwanza Region, Tanzania in 2022. The core activities of the company are primarily based on the retail and wholesale of oil liquids such as petroleum, diesel and kerosene, transportation and distribution of Oil & Gas products. We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.
SOiL is a company that focuses on sustainable energy use that aims to meet the world’s growing need for more and cleaner energy solutions in ways that are economically, environmentally sustainable whilst maintaining corporate social responsibility.

Our Services

Retail and Wholesale of Oil Liquids

Retail and Wholesale of oil liquids such as petroleum, diesel and kerosene

Transportation and distribution of Oil

We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.

Transportation and distribution of Gas products

We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.

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